E-mail: weilei@sdas.org
1. Lei Wei, et al., Theoretical Study on the Intrinsic Source of the Large Thermal Conductivity of Li-Based Chalcogenide Nonlinear Optical Crystals: From AgGaS2 to LiGaS2, Crystal Growth & Design, (2020), 20,4150-4156
2. Yangbin Fu, Lei Wei, et al., Phonon anharmonic investigation on the different structural phase transition processes of cubic KNbO3 and KTaO3, Results in Physics, (2020), 19,103591 (通讯作者)
3. Yuguo Yang, Lei Wei, et al., Luminescence investigation of lanthanum ions (Eu3+ or Tb3+) doped SrLaGa3O7 fluorescent powders, Optical Materials, (2020), 107,110010 (通讯作者)
4. Lei Wei, et al., Theoretical Investigation on the Microscopic Mechanism of Lattice Thermal Conductivity of ZnXP2 (X = Si, Ge, and Sn), Inorganic Chemistry, (2019), 58, 4320-4327
5. Lei Wei, et al., Intrinsic sources of high thermal conductivity of CdSiP2 determined by first-principle anharmonic calculations, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys, (2018), 20, 1568
6. Lei Wei, et al., Growth and polarized Raman spectroscopy investigations of single crystal CdSiP2: Experimental measurements and ab initio calculations, Journal of Crystal Growth (2017), 473, 28–33
7. Lei Wei, et al., Lattice dynamics of bismuth-deficient BiFeO3 from first principles, Computational Materials Science (2016), 111, 374–379
8 Lei Wei, et al., The role of acoustic phonon anharmonicity in determining thermal conductivity of CdSiP2 and AgGaS2: First principles calculations, AIP ADVANCES (2015), 5, 127236
9. Lei Wei, et al., Anisotropic thermal anharmonicity of CdSiP2 and ZnGeP2: Ab initio calculations, Journal of Applied Physics (2013), 114, 233501
10. Lei Wei, et al., Crystal growth and efficient second-harmonicgeneration of the monoclinic LaCa4O(BO3)3 crystal, CrystEngComm, (2013) 15, 6035
11. Lei Wei, et al., Effect of cation ordering on the electronic and lattice dynamic properties of Ag2CdGeS4 polytypes: First-principle calculation, Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2013), 201, 48–55
一种基于方解石型正硼酸盐晶体的全固态拉曼激光器,专利号:ZL201510969382.3 (6/7)
具有梯度折射率效应的二次电光晶体及其制备与应用方法,专利号:ZL201510734429.8 (6/7)